German Mission Foundation

Returned Missionaries Still Serving
The German Saints

Reports from Germany
Our Successes

Sören Dröge is the Team Leader for our Social Media initiatives in Germany.

South German Mission Reunion
Guest Speakers

1993 President Orville Gunther’s 80th birthday celebration
2002 Elder Hartman Rector, Jr.
2003 President John Fetzer (former mission president)
2004 Jack W. Welch
2005 Elder Bruce C. Hafen
2006 Elder John Carmack
2007 Elder Kim B. Clark
2008 Elder Robert K. Dellenbach
2009 Elder Robert C. Oaks
2010 Elder Erich R. Kopischke
2011 Elder F. Enzio Busche
2012 Elder Marlin K. Jensen
2013 Jonathan Johnson (MoreGood Foundation)
2014 Elder Bruce C. Hafen
2015 Elder Charles W. Dahlquist
2016 Elder Timothy J. Dykes
2017 Elder Spencer J. Condie
2018 Elder Richard G. Hinckley
2019 Jack Wixom
2020 [Cancelled because of COV1D -19]
2021 John W. Welch
2022 Elder Kim B. Clark
2023 Elder Kyle S. McKay
2024 Elder Erich R. Kopischke
Elder Erich R. Kopishke's remarks given at our April reunion.
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Elder David A. Bednar served as a young missionary in the South German Mission. He came to speak at a special meeting hosted by the German Mission Foundation, which was attended by over 2,000 former German missionaries and their spouses.
Elder Erich R. Kopishke, while serving in the European Area Presidency, provided a video message for a reunion at the invitation of the German Mission Foundation. Click on the image below to play the video.