Central Mission January - June 1966
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Updike, Bennett, Foote and Godfrey, Kraus and Zirker, Schade and Babbel, Kotter and Drollinger, Larsen and Bennett, Budge and Bawden, Foote and Bee, Steadman and Hill, Budge and Bawden, Webb and Haymore Dunkers, Ross and Taggart, Spencer and Smith, Kotter and Drollinger, Hess and Engberson Yankees, Williams and Christensen, Guinn and Fairbanks, Ross and Taggart, Alsup and Ward, Foley and Miller, Burbidge and Condie, Alsup and Ward, Woodbrey and Bedont, Wright, Bloom and Allen, Pulsipher and Hughes, Jackson and Call, Jensen and Humble, Pulsipher and Hughes, Bean and Dahl, Melling and Krause, Pulsipher and Hughes, Felt and Platt, Bartholomew and Bishop, Van Buskirk and Merrill, Jackson and Call Bees, Greene, Nelson and Cullimore, Fehrenbacker and Brunisholz, Leonard and Hanks, Fehrenbacker and Brunisholz, Wasden and Fetzer, Stratton and Greene, Meik and Tibbitts, Stratton and Greene |